GoDaddy Sucks!

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GoDaddy Sucks!

Postby Perry » Mon Feb 08, 2021 1:13 pm

So yeah, the web site was down for about a week. Godaddy did some kind of change with the hosting, I think moving files to another server and changing the layout of their web site. In theory, I can have as a separate web site from my personal web site, but when I click on the menu option to do this a wheel just spins and spins forever... so instead I forwarded to the folder in my personal web site. The address is different, but it is working now.
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Re: GoDaddy Sucks!

Postby jfr » Mon Feb 08, 2021 7:18 pm

Thanks for keeping the site alive, Perry!

My browser didn't know my username or password for your personal site, but I was able to find it eventually, and the forum took it just fine.

Hopefully you can get it fixed soon, if GoDaddy ever gets its act together...
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Re: GoDaddy Sucks!

Postby Ric Capucho » Tue Feb 09, 2021 1:19 am

Well done Perry...

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Re: GoDaddy Sucks!

Postby Ric Capucho » Tue Feb 09, 2021 3:51 pm

Hi Perry,

Had an idea - could you please email me on ric dot capucho at gmail dot com.

Thank you!

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Re: GoDaddy Sucks!

Postby Perry » Tue Feb 09, 2021 11:38 pm

Thanks for the encouraging words. I'll keep trying to keep the site going as long as people are still using it.
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