Skyline / C2C in July, Bad idea

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Skyline / C2C in July, Bad idea

Postby guest » Sat Jul 22, 2006 2:22 pm

Hi, the CDF & SJSP rangers just had to pull some folks off Skyline today Sat, gezz, I wonder why.
The Coachella Valley, and other parts of the country are experiencing record highs! 120 Fri!
Even if you make it on a day like this, it's a bad idea.
Don't put the rangers & resucers in these situations.
They are not waiting around to rescue someone, they are helping others to have a safe wilderness experience.
And, it's real possible these people will have a fat bill to pay for their lack of good judgement.

If the low is 88, which it was Sat early, and all the dark rocks on the trail are hotter, how hot, and probably humid, does one think it will be at 7 or 8 am, even if they begin at 3.

I've lived in PS for 20 yrs, done Skyline over 100 times, it's too Hot!!!
Sure a few are doing it, good for them. I just returned from San Jac peak, and it is sooo much more enjoyable right now.
Need a bigger challenge, add a couple more peaks in with.

Be smart, be safe, enjoy the peace of the wilderness.

Skyline in July - Bad Idea

Postby Cy Kaicener » Sun Jul 23, 2006 7:05 am

Do you have any details of the rescue.? I looked at RMRU and could not find anything. If those hikers did not reach flatrock by sunrise, they would be in a lot of trouble. Yesterday there were thunderstorms on Baldy and the San Gorgonio Wilderness is closed. October is a good time to do Skyline.
Now is not a good time as I found out myself last week.
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Postby jobunn » Sun Jul 23, 2006 11:10 am

Cy, what happened to you last week? Did you have to turn around because of the heat?

Skyline in July - Bad Idea

Postby Cy Kaicener » Sun Jul 23, 2006 2:07 pm

We did not turn around. I would have run out of water. It was just uncomfortably hot.
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Postby Perry » Mon Jul 24, 2006 10:31 pm

I heard they only made it to the picnic benches, but they told the 911 operator they had hiked up 10 miles. Sounds like the heat messed with their brains, and maybe the sign at the Museum confused them.
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Postby zippetydude » Tue Jul 25, 2006 9:50 am

10 miles! That's a pretty big margin of error. A couple of possibilities:

Maybe they went up 5, then turned around and found themselves too weak to go on when they got back to the picnic tables.

Maybe they had a couple of companions they didn't mention (Jack Daniels and Jose Cuervo). :roll:

Or perhaps they were attacked by a pack of wild Desert Leeches that sucked all the water out of their bodies. :shock:

In all seriousness, I'm just glad they're ok.

By the way, it doesn't have to be overly risky in July if you do it right.

1) When I went July 15, I picked a date when I knew someone else would be out on the trail (Cy and Marmot).

2) I had plenty of water cached at 4 separate places along the trail.

3) I brought a little personal mister that kept me cool the whole time. I was actually a little cold a few times, and never felt particularly warm. A little breeze on wet skin, even when it's 100 degrees, still feels very cool. I went through a couple extra bottles of water, but it was well worth it.

In general it's probably not be a good idea to take the trail in the hotter months, and it could be very dangerous if you don't have the right prep to keep you safe and cool. Still, it can be a ton of fun if done cautiously.

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Postby guest » Tue Jul 25, 2006 8:24 pm

From what I've heard, after I posted this intial message, is that 2 (or 3) people started early on Sat am, had 2-3 gts. between 2 of them!!!! and tried to jog part of the trail. Supposedly, from one of the rescuers, they got over 7k and where out of water, hot, bla bla bla, turned around and came undone at 4k, the flat area with the elevation rocks, which is the best place for chpper pick up.
Rangers where not happy, as some hiked all the way to them, which is way lower than the hiked told them, which is out of SJSP jurisdiction anyway.

There are a few who can do it in the heat, but you really need to do it right and be Very aclimated, few people are.

At least their safe.

Postby marmot » Wed Jul 26, 2006 8:06 am

to me, at 7K, i wouldve just continued to the top, its not that far, you can hear the tram whirling. and certainly not as strenuous as turning back. There mustve been something else.

Skyline in July - Bad Idea

Postby Cy Kaicener » Wed Jul 26, 2006 10:09 am

It would be much easier to be rescued at 7000 feet where you get your first shade and it is much cooler. If they thought that a helicopter could not land there, they could be rescued by rangers on foot. Going back would need much more water in much higher temperatures. They started much too late with too little water. You need a full gallon each. Too bad that they didnt know about or read Perrys website first.
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