doesn't work with Firefox?

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Re: doesn't work with Firefox?

Postby arocknoid » Sat Nov 07, 2015 9:03 am

1. Avoid automatic updates; be selective, for many reasons

2. Quick (easiest) workaround: download a separate archival *portable* firefox app, so your system won't overwrite/intermix. (such versions are also sleeker/quicker/less resource intensive). Use ad lib for any quirky sites.

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Re: doesn't work with Firefox?

Postby Florian » Sun Nov 08, 2015 9:36 am

arocknoid wrote:Quick (easiest) workaround: download a separate archival *portable* firefox app, so your system won't overwrite/intermix.

Quickest easiest workaround for me is just to have Firefox save my logon info. I still have to go to the logon page each time i visit but it's only one extra click. Not really that big a deal. Ver 40 is working fine otherwise. :D

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Re: doesn't work with Firefox?

Postby Hikin_Jim » Thu Jan 14, 2016 6:53 pm

Mine does the same thing ("forgets" to keep me logged on) with Chrome. Does it at home and at work. Did it at my old job and now with my new.

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