First Time Posts NOT Showing Up

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First Time Posts NOT Showing Up

Postby Hikin_Jim » Wed Mar 18, 2015 11:11 am

If you're a first time poster, one of us moderators has to approve your post before it shows up. There are several that we've missed. :oops: NOT deliberate, I assure you.

If you don't see your post after a day or two, you could try sending a private message to either me or Florian who are the most active moderators on the forum. I'll try to keep a closer eye on the Moderator's Panel. Sometimes I see a little highlighted tell tale informing me that I need to approve/disapprove a post. Sometimes I don't.

With apologies,

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Re: First Time Posts NOT Showing Up

Postby Perry » Sun Apr 12, 2015 12:37 am

I've been slow at approving new members, sometimes assuming that Jim has already done it. It's worth mentioning that we haven't had any spam since the software upgrade and new methods of screening.
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Re: First Time Posts NOT Showing Up

Postby Squid » Tue Aug 04, 2015 6:22 pm

Just an FYI that I am waiting for my first post to be approved and read the advice in this post. Unfortunately, private messages aren't allowed for new users either :cry:
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Re: First Time Posts NOT Showing Up

Postby Hikin_Jim » Thu Aug 20, 2015 7:57 am

Ah. Well, at least we've reduced spam. I'm back from my backpacking trip, so messages should be showing up now. My apologies for not approving them sooner.

Backpacking stove reviews and information:  Adventures In Stoving
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Re: First Time Posts NOT Showing Up

Postby Squid » Thu Aug 20, 2015 8:02 pm

Thanks for the add Jim.
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