"Internal Server Error" or slow response time?

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Re: "Internal Server Error" or slow response time?

Postby neverwashasbeen » Sun Sep 14, 2014 11:30 am

The site has been working well for me the past week. Prior, not so good.
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Re: "Internal Server Error" or slow response time?

Postby Andy » Mon Sep 22, 2014 2:54 pm

The site is working great right now. I hope it's not just a fluke and whatever was wrong is fixed. Either way, thanks as always to Perry et al.
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Re: "Internal Server Error" or slow response time?

Postby Hikin_Jim » Wed Sep 24, 2014 6:32 pm

Still FRUSTRATINGLY slow for me. :evil:

And occasionally I get:
General Error
SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ]

MySQL server has gone away [2006]

An sql error occurred while fetching this page. Please contact an administrator if this problem persists.
Please notify the board administrator or webmaster

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Re: "Internal Server Error" or slow response time?

Postby HistoricalExplorer » Thu Sep 25, 2014 12:34 pm

I haven't had any trouble with the board load speed or otherwise. Some of the issues seem to be host related - like response times and SQL Errrors.

Anyway, ff you are looking for other hosting, consider http://icdsoft.com/ They have far and away the best tech support anywhere with a response time of less than 10 minutes. They have install instructions for phpbb3 at:
https://beta.suresupport.com/faq/articl ... ion_3_0_12

Hosting is $72 or $120/year depending upon traffic and disk space needs. I am a reseller for them and can get you set up, or you can just go through them directly at http://icdsoft.com/hosting/usa

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Re: "Internal Server Error" or slow response time?

Postby Hikin_Jim » Thu Sep 25, 2014 8:53 pm

Right now, 8:53 PM 9/25/2014, everything seems to be OK, but there's a message in red at the top of the front page of the site that says:
Information: This board is currently disabled.


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Re: "Internal Server Error" or slow response time?

Postby Perry » Thu Sep 25, 2014 9:22 pm

Yeah I disabled the board and did some backups, which took awhile. You were logged in as a moderator. Everybody else saw this:
"The message board is temporarily down for maintenance. Sorry for the inconvenience. This is to improve the speed of the forum..."
I didn't realize that you wouldn't see that message. Good thing you didn't post a trip report and wonder why nobody was reading it. :D
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Re: "Internal Server Error" or slow response time?

Postby Perry » Thu Sep 25, 2014 9:57 pm

Thanks H.E. for the recommendation. I like how they don't claim to have "unlimited" data transfer (or CPU/RAM usage) because in reality nobody can do that. That would be like an apartment complex offering electricity included with rent. You know that some tenants would leave the AC on with the windows open when they're not even at home.
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