A big thanks to Hikin_Jim for helping out. He's actually been helping already by notifying me of spammers before I even check the board, so it makes sense that he will be a great moderator.
Some of the members here might be wondering why there's 6 moderators on such a tiny board. One reason is that we can't be on the board every day and the spammers like to strike at any time.
Another reason is because my wife and I are having a baby! Yes, a baby girl due in Feb. Over the next year I won't even be on this board very much. Right now I'm trying to find homes for our pets, looking to move towards the west end of the valley to reduce driving, and looking for a night job so we can save on babysitter expenses. Minimizing time on the Internet is a good way to get more things done. Getting outdoors once or twice a week is still important, so if we move to PS it's likely that I'll bump into friends on the trails even though I'll be less active on this message board.