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Upcoming Changes

Postby Perry » Tue May 31, 2011 4:12 pm

Hey friends, it's like I'm a stranger to the board these days. We moved and have limited Internet access. At the library right now.

Some people have been asking me about the Cactus to Clouds Hiking Guide. I do plan to put it back online, after I put my computer back together.

Also, I've been thinking about putting up some ads for hiking gear, not because I'm greedy but because I'm poor. If that works out, I may be able to spend more time monitoring the forum (and eliminate some of the IP address blocks) and work on successfully upgrading the software to have more features such as direct image uploading.

Sorry if it seems I've neglected the board. Hope to see people out on the trails again...

"And he knows those computers better than anybody, all those computers, those vote-counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide, so, it was pretty good, it was pretty good, so thank you to Elon!"
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Postby Hikin_Jim » Tue May 31, 2011 8:20 pm

Why, Perry, are you suggesting your newly wedded wife is more important than we are? :wink:

Enjoy, bro. The forum can wait.

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Postby zippetydude » Wed Jun 01, 2011 10:53 am

If you think you're busy now, wait til you have a little one in the house! Ask HJ, he knows! Anyway, hope to see you soon. You ARE gonna at least swing by the Barton Flats get together on the 25th...right?!

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Postby Perry » Wed Jun 01, 2011 5:27 pm

I hope we can if we're not working that day.

We have a dog and cat. Is that the same? :D
"And he knows those computers better than anybody, all those computers, those vote-counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide, so, it was pretty good, it was pretty good, so thank you to Elon!"
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Postby Hikin_Jim » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:38 am

Perry wrote:I hope we can if we're not working that day.

We have a dog and cat. Is that the same? :D
You could bring the dog...

Not so sure about the cat, but cats usually do pretty well on their own. It's not like you're going to be gone for a week.

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Postby halhiker » Sat Jun 04, 2011 10:39 am

Perry wrote:I hope we can if we're not working that day.

We have a dog and cat. Is that the same? :D

No. Not even close.
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Postby Ellen » Mon Jun 06, 2011 9:48 am

Howdy Perry :)

I support anything we can do to decrease your financial burden keeping this forum going. If folks don't want ads, I am happy to donate towards the cause.

Hope to see you at Z's get together and meet your wife 8)

Howdy Hal :)

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