Homeless Children Near Joshua Tree

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Homeless Children Near Joshua Tree

Postby Perry » Fri May 27, 2022 12:41 am

2 people who live in the high desert told me there's an estimated 700 homeless children in the general area around Joshua Tree, called the Morongo Basin, and that the large number of airBnB's has greatly influenced the housing shortage. If this is accurate, I would imagine that most hikers would not be comfortable booking an airBnB in that area.

Thoughts? At the moment, I'm not seeing a source online, and the NY Times article keeps closing on me and telling me to pay for a subscription.

I would support airBnB if we got rid of exclusionary zoning laws that ban tiny houses and tiny plots of land. But unfortunately most voters and potential voters don't understand how zoning drives up rents and limits property ownership. It also seems that a lot of local political positions don't pay enough to live in the city where they work. I think that would prevent working-class folks from running for office unless they can get additional income through bribes.
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Re: Homeless Children Near Joshua Tree

Postby OtherHand » Fri May 27, 2022 6:31 am

I'd suggest caution in accepting that 700 number. The only source of that number seems to be a January interview on Z107.7 by a social outreach coordinator for the Morongo School District.

The last official homeless count in 2020 by San Bernadino County showed 8 were unaccompanied youth under age 18, and 21 were
children under age 18 in families (Page 9-10) in the entire county.

But there ARE way to many damn airBnBs.
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Re: Homeless Children Near Joshua Tree

Postby Perry » Fri May 27, 2022 9:27 am

Thanks Tom. I would imagine that someone in his position would have a reasonable estimate of the magnitude. It's my understanding that it has been a rapid increase recently that would not show up in the 2020 census. It also sounds like some residents are getting very angry about this, and 1 city council person owns a dozen airBnB's.

Can anybody access the podcast? And do I need an Apple product to listen?
There should be a January interview with Wayne Hamilton, but the preview I see only goes back through April.
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Re: Homeless Children Near Joshua Tree

Postby Perry » Fri May 27, 2022 9:31 am

I imagine living in a car in the summer in the desert is going to suck. It's not as hot as down here in the low desert, but it's still hot as many of us know from hiking experience in the park.
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Re: Homeless Children Near Joshua Tree

Postby OtherHand » Fri May 27, 2022 10:22 pm

Perry wrote:Can anybody access the podcast? And do I need an Apple product to listen?
There should be a January interview with Wayne Hamilton, but the preview I see only goes back through April.

I think there's an option at the bottom of the page to load more podcasts.

In any event, here's a direct link to the podcast.
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Re: Homeless Children Near Joshua Tree

Postby guest » Sat May 28, 2022 4:03 pm

I'd have to agree, that the large influx of ABNB's has changed the rental options heavily. I check available long-term rental listings on a couple sites, and most of the cool, funky ones with a bit of land have disappeared, for the most part, and not just here, but many areas of the SW. I get that many folks and families prefer a home over a hotel, but it really does take many homes off the long-term market.

With gas and traffic from the Nat'l park, I'd imagine people who live in the high desert try to work there as well, but there's not a ton of higher paying gigs. Yes, rents are generally less than the Coachella Valley, but if you have to commute, which can include vehicle damaging winds, occasionally flooding closing main arteries, traffic, and high gas prices, time spent in one's vehicle, it's not always a great option either. There are some business' that are doing well, (now that Calif. is mostly back to normal, at least for now), benefiting from Joshua Tree, and the unique, funky vibe of that area, (Integratron, La Copine & Natural Sisters, Pappy's, and a few tour co's), but even these co's aren't able to pay high wages.

I would think this may also be affecting the Marine's that want to live off base on their salaries as well.

I've lived next to, or close by a few ABNB's, and it's no fun, and at times, a real blow to the peace & security of the communities. But hey, that's part of the Am dream to some; buy a 2nd, (or 3rd, 4th and 10th), home as a 2nd income, while building equity and more retirement.
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Re: Homeless Children Near Joshua Tree

Postby Perry » Sun May 29, 2022 1:47 am

"And he knows those computers better than anybody, all those computers, those vote-counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide, so, it was pretty good, it was pretty good, so thank you to Elon!"
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Re: Homeless Children Near Joshua Tree

Postby Perry » Sat Jun 04, 2022 1:05 am

Here's the New York Times article from April:
https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/07/trav ... irbnb.html

I find it hard to believe that with all the research and interviews, that somehow the writer didn't hear about the radio interview in January describing an estimated 700+ children living in substandard conditions. Responsible journalism includes investigating claims.

Also, I tried to post the YouTube video to Socal Hikers group on Facebook, and my post was not approved.

Let's all just pretend there's not a problem, right? The wealthy can party it up while kids go with no AC or running water, multiple families get crammed into small spaces, and some are living in cars.
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