The Bike Wanderer

Southern California and far-away places. Hiking, wildlife, cycling etc.

The Bike Wanderer

Postby Wildhorse » Sat Oct 16, 2021 7:32 pm

Recently, NYTimes published an obituary for Iohan Gueorguiev who was The Bike Wanderer. Cycling about has a brief article, and a video tribute. The article contains his beautiful statement about why he lived as his did, wandering the wild places on his bike. It also links to his blog. Here is a link: ... -wanderer/

He was only 31. It was a great way to live.

Wall Street Journal posted an article yesterday and today about the link between suffering or hardship and meaning in life. Iohan found it intuitively at a young age. It takes a subscription or Apple News to read it. It is written by an author who has a forthcoming book about this subject. ... 20?mod=mhp

It is relevant to why some of us who hike and bike are wandering.
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Joined: Tue Oct 19, 2010 1:11 pm

Re: The Bike Wanderer

Postby guest » Thu Dec 02, 2021 8:52 am

Hi Wildhorse,
I just found out about Iohan and watched a couple of his amazing videos! He's gone to places few will ever wander, and his attitude, (even while dealing with depression, most likely contributed heavily by his sleep apnea). And to film all of this, edit, post, raise some funds, etc. I know I'd freeze and quit the 2nd cold & winding night, ha! The Patagonia video was breath-taking, and looked as remote & wild as any area I've seen. I've been following a gal Itchyboots, on her motorcycle journeys through similar areas, she almost always takes the dirt roads, goes solo and does very nice videos as well. She's on break at the moment, buying a new ride and planning the next adventure. scott
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