Fire Causes

Southern California and far-away places. Hiking, wildlife, cycling etc.

Fire Causes

Postby Ed » Mon Sep 07, 2020 8:58 am

When I found out the El Dorado Fire near Yucaipa was started on Saturday by a smoke grenade at a gender reveal party at a park, I had to look up what a gender reveal party was.

The Valley Fire, burning a few miles from our house in Alpine, was also started on Saturday. By someone driving a tractor, on a day when routine fire warnings include not operating any power equipment. Temperature was 113F, either a record around here, or close to it. Hilly terrain covered with thick brush.

Combined with the covid spreader events, makes you wonder about the sense of responsibility for the impacts of personal decisions in our culture.
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Re: Fire Causes

Postby SoCalJim » Mon Sep 07, 2020 1:23 pm

Yes, my concern for the future of this planet grows on a daily basis. Way too many people who give no consideration for the consequences of their actions. As some experts have said, I'm concerned that we're past the tipping point on global warming. BTW, Ed, I live in Santee. I saw the smoke from the fire about 10 minutes after it started. Thought it was in Lakeside at first; hard to judge distance with the hills and valleys.

To add to the craziness of our times: the Forest Service has closed ALL national forests in CA from the Stanislaus (near Sacramento) all the way to the Mexican border due to extreme fire danger. Closure is for ALL activities including hiking, camping, and picnicking. The closure order will be reevaluated on a daily basis. I think it's safe to say that this is unprecedented.
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Re: Fire Causes

Postby Perry » Mon Sep 07, 2020 3:42 pm

SoCalJim wrote: I'm concerned that we're past the tipping point on global warming.

I've been wondering if genetically-engineered carbon capture is the only realistic solution to climate change because it doesn't require people and nations to stop acting selfishly. It sounds bad to introduce a foreign plant or phytoplankton into an ecosystem, but that might be better than the catastrophic alternative.
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Re: Fire Causes

Postby David W » Thu Oct 08, 2020 7:34 am

I have heard rumors of arson...?
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