Sally wrote:Yes, Ed, I am still an employee of Nomad Ventures but working from home at this time. Ellen, Marilyn, and I finally had a successful ascent up Charlton Peak on Saturday. So far we have turned back short of Alto Diablo twice, Dobbs Peak, as well as our "almost" Anderson. Each time we were SO close, but a combination of shorter days, tough snow conditions, and just plain getting too pooped out to continue kept us from reaching the "Tippy Top." Now that the days are longer there is more opportunity for successful summitting. However, I am curious to hear everyone's take on hiking during this Corona Virus thing. I wanna hike, but I don't want to be part of the problem. What do y'all think? (Social distancing is easy for me while hiking because I cant keep up to within 6' of anyone anyway!)
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