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Speed Record on the John Muir Trail - 2 days - 19 1/2 hours

PostPosted: Thu Oct 19, 2017 8:58 am
by Cy Kaicener

Re: Speed Record on the John Muir Trail - 2 days - 19 1/2 ho

PostPosted: Fri Oct 20, 2017 8:48 pm
by Sose
Awesome and inspirational on every level!

Re: Speed Record on the John Muir Trail - 2 days - 19 1/2 ho

PostPosted: Sat Oct 21, 2017 6:10 am
by RichardK
I really don't understand these hiking speed records. Isn't the whole point to appreciate nature not whiz past it? Besides, all of these supposed records are really just claims. To confirm any of them would require an army of spotters to insure that no switchbacks were cut and no shortcuts were taken.

Re: Speed Record on the John Muir Trail - 2 days - 19 1/2 ho

PostPosted: Tue Oct 24, 2017 9:50 pm
by zippetydude
The whole speed thing is just a playful form of doing what you love in a place you love. The first time I ever ran on a treadmill, I thought I had probably been running for about an hour and it turned out to be just over six minutes. When I trail run, I will think to myself that I seem to be making good time since I just started, and it turns out to be an hour has passed. For people who like to run and find the silly foolishness of PR's motivating (yes, I'm one) then a trail run is ideal. I love being out there, I don't really care about the PR, it's just a kooky way of enjoying running, but I really love being in the wilderness. So it lets me combine both experiences. I'm not anywhere near as fast as that guy, but if I were, I would probably want to go give it a try because it's such a beautiful place and such a non-threatening challenge. That last part is important. He didn't win a million dollars or get a Mercedes, so he really had nothing to lose. He just set an informal record that will be broken within a year or two. But he probably had fun doing it, and got to smell the crisp autumn air, got to feel the hollow, almost drum-like thud of his footsteps on the meadow trails through Yosemite, got to feel the satisfaction of physical release as he pressed up long, hard inclines, got to hear the whisper of the wind in the pines and the gentle roar of late season rivers flowing over the rocks...

So, it's kind of about speed, and it kind of has nothing to do with speed, but only with being in a place you love doing a thing you love to do.


Re: Speed Record on the John Muir Trail - 2 days - 19 1/2 ho

PostPosted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 8:26 am
by Wildhorse
I could not do this, for sure. But I do like to run.

It is as primal and paleo as wilderness. It is a chase or an escape, or play.