This cell phone ping is certainly a confounding piece of data. And as far I can tell, it came from one deputy's conversation with a Verizon employee. That's all we really know. We're assuming that the ping distance was measured using a calculation of time near the speed light. As far as I know, this data was never reanalyzed by Verizon or the Sheriff's department, or even asked of the Verizon employee to verify the figure he/she provided.
Furthermore, if we look at the pings recorded from the Nguyen/Orbeso case, they are nowhere near where they ended up being found. And oddly enough, one of them was recorded near Smith Water Canyon. You could say, well they were using a different system to calculate their location, perhaps GPS, and the satellites were not getting a great lock on the phone. Seems kinda odd that the older phone would, in a way, be presumed to be more accurate. With regards to atmospheric ducting, I had a firsthand experience being in the mountains with zero bars of cell signal and watching a cloud float in the perfect spot to give me enough signal to make a phone call, so I think it's certainly possible he could get a brief ping from an area not in the RSSI coverage map.
I wanted to test a hypothesis that there was human error in the calculation or communication of the ping. I present the following scenario: The Verizon tech analyzes the ping and finds it be 17 miles from the Serin Dr. tower. The tech and the deputy have a phone conversation during which it is incorrectly communicated or inferred that the distance is 17 kilometers, so then the figure is converted to miles and we get 10.6 miles. Is this a likely scenario? Probably not, but hey, if NASA can make that mistake then I'm sure it's at least possible here. Which leads me to my most recent hike.
A 17 mile radius from Serin draws a line right over peak 4928, which is also near where searchers saw a light on a saddle the first night of search. They checked out the hill system according to the narrative, but there are only a few GPS tracks in that area, so I thought it could use a little more filling in.
Here's the hike in light blue. The black line is a 17 mile radius from Serin.
Near the peak I found a metal pipe sticking out of a rock.
Upon closer examination, it is a survey marker. First one I've seen on a pipe. It was not mounted to anything and you could pull it right out of the rock.
View toward Quail from near Peak 4298
Flat lowlands area to the North of the peak
Found this weird collapsed lean-to
Found this piece of trash in between CRHT and Juniper Flats Rd. Probably unrelated since that area gets a lot of activity, but posting it just in case. Seems like some kind of foam.
Gorgeous Day. Unfortunately I didn't beat the line of traffic leaving Keys View after sunset.This hike made a lot of sense to me. It puts Bill in a spot near his car. Maybe he figured that Quail was too ambitious for his late start, the building heat, and his low water supply. So instead he decides to summit this nearby peak. Ultimately I found nothing, but I think this area may be worth one more trip to fill in a couple more spots. One thing I was thinking about is that it was noted Bill liked to stop and take pictures. Was a camera found in his car? If not, is it presumed that he was hiking with a camera?
Tracks: balloons collected: 4