Hikin_Jim wrote:I hear Hillary was actually born in Kenya...
zippetydude wrote:I don't trust any of them (regardless of their party - Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton were from opposing parties but both were liars), and she does come across as particularly slippery! I think it should be a huge red flag that she employed those highly questionable practices with her email to make sure that she could keep her official communications away from congressional investigators and/or the public. Danger! Danger!
BTW, on a note of irony, I thought it was hilarious a few years ago when Congress was looking into the use of performance enhancing drugs by MLB players, and they actually had the nerve to charge some of players with the crime of "lying to Congress"! Is that not the most striking case of the pot calling the kettle black in all of American history? The biggest group of pathological liars in the country got mad because a private citizen used their own tactics on them! Will wonders never cease?
Better they mess with baseball... than with us.backpackpack wrote:I always wondered why the heck congress was involved with baseball and steroids. Shouldn't the league deal with it on their own? I am not sure why they wasted their time on something like that.zippetydude wrote:BTW, on a note of irony, I thought it was hilarious a few years ago when Congress was looking into the use of performance enhancing drugs by MLB players, and they actually had the nerve to charge some of players with the crime of "lying to Congress"! Is that not the most striking case of the pot calling the kettle black in all of American history? The biggest group of pathological liars in the country got mad because a private citizen used their own tactics on them! Will wonders never cease?
phydeux wrote:Not saying I'm for or against her, but what's really needed is another nationally known Democrat to get in the race and challenge Clinton to disclose her ideas on international relations, defense policy, economic planning, social policy . . . the full range of issues (no, Bernie Sanders is not sginificant enough). Without it she's just allowed to run on catchy (but hollow) speechwriting, while the Republicans toss around ideas, consolidate into one platform, and will be ahead of her when the final campaign happens in fall 2016. Aren't there about 10-15 Republicans in the race already?
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