First Skyline as a 70 year old

General Palm Springs area.

First Skyline as a 70 year old

Postby Ellen » Tue Oct 03, 2023 12:54 pm

Howdy All :)

I haven’t hiked Skyline since Christmas Day 2022. I usually hike Skyline in the winter and spring but Snow Armageddon and other factors interfered. I broke my right wrist on August 26 and turned 70 on September 1. Not exactly how I wanted to celebrate turning 70 :lol: Thanks to unseasonably cool weather in Palm Springs last weekend, I pulled the pin on Sunday, knowing that I would be much slower than my 7 hr Christmas Skyline. What an understatement! :oops: Let’s just say I could feel my hair growing on the climb. I was passed by my fast friends Diana and Ania. On the Never Ending Ridge (5 K to 6 K), I stepped out for a cheerful and speedy hiker on his first Skyline. After introductions, he asked if I was Ellen from the San Jacinto forum. His sister Annette had posted asking if Skyline was closed. Synchronicity 8) I enjoyed climbing out of Flatrock (6 K) and was treated to fabulous views of the Coachella valley. When I reached the traverse (7.5 K), I donned gloves and a long sleeve wool shirt. I was surprised at the amount of damage to the route caused by snowmelt and Hillary. Route finding from the traverse was a bit challenging. Once I reached the top of Skyline (Grubbs Notch), I looked at my watch — 8.5 hrs :o . I am grateful that I am still able to hike this beast :twisted:

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Re: First Skyline as a 70 year old

Postby Ellen » Tue Oct 03, 2023 1:08 pm
















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Re: First Skyline as a 70 year old

Postby drndr » Wed Oct 04, 2023 5:57 am

Congrats and glad to know others are doing it. I did half in April but dont think I've done the whole thing since Oct 2021.
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Re: First Skyline as a 70 year old

Postby Ellen » Wed Oct 04, 2023 2:58 pm


It was great to see our tram family again. Unfortunately, the Wi-Fi at the valley station was dreadful and it was difficult to get Uber or Lyft.

I broke my wrist hiking Vivian to San Gorgonio while crossing Mill Creek in the morning with a headlamp. We took the Dobbs XC route to San G and returned via Vivian. I didn't realize the seriousness of the injury until I woke up in excruciating pain at 3 AM the next morning.


Diagnosis was distal radial fracture. It took a while to get an x-ray, diagnosis and finally an orthopedic consult. The good news -- compression fracture. No cast, wear a brace and don't fall. Just had follow-up today -- healing well, same advice.

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Re: First Skyline as a 70 year old

Postby Ed » Thu Oct 05, 2023 6:41 am

Congratulations! Thanks for the pictures, and good luck with the wrist.
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Re: First Skyline as a 70 year old

Postby guest » Thu Oct 05, 2023 12:19 pm

Congrats Ellen, and thanks for posting those great photos, I could picture where each one was taken, how I usually feel at that point, and how much of a monster climb it is!
I've been hearing from Doug about the storm damage up higher, downed trees and wash outs.
I broke my wrist about 5 yrs ago climbing over a huge, downed tree in upper Tamarack, (branch gave way), and had similar rehab to yours.

Cool you spotted Diana & Ania, glad their still getting after it, (their both very fast). I remember when Diana broke her foot, (a bone) at 5k on Skyline, had to keep going to the top, ouch!
(Forgot to mention, that was After she hiked up from Chino Cyn, south of the tram, to Skyline!).
I'm hoping to get back on this trail soon, cheers, Scott2
Last edited by guest on Thu Oct 05, 2023 5:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: First Skyline as a 70 year old

Postby futbol » Thu Oct 05, 2023 5:06 pm

Nice trip report!
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