Snow creek conditions?

General Palm Springs area.

Re: Snow creek conditions?

Postby Dunning Kruger » Mon Feb 28, 2022 6:19 am

The Snow Creek East Trail links up to the other "legal" trail at the top of the big bench near hill 4,340'.

Prior to the link up at the big bench, the trail is a connection of an established walking path in Blaisdell Canyon to all, off-trail travel with ridge and slope traverses on game trails- no bushwhacking involved. This is raw territory with hazards. This trail exists only to take advantage of favorable parking and unfettered return trips to the trailhead. There is no claim of easy travel or time savings- use at your own risk. Advice is to start at dawn and recon the trail to Falls Creek and back to the trailhead prior to an ascent of the summit.

Snow Creek East Trail:
Falls Creek to Snow Creek (alternate high line):
Dunning Kruger
Posts: 22
Joined: Mon May 20, 2019 7:00 pm


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